Animal Match Up

Animal Match Up

Julie FriedmanSep 14, '17

This is one of Kerr's very favorite activities! All you need are some animal flash cards- hereare some cheap ones from amazon, and a bucket of animals for your kids to match to the cards! We bought this set of animals off of amazon a few years back, and they are by far the most affordable set we have ever found! At target, these animals are $7 each! You can also use the mini zoo animals, but I like mixing the large and small ones so he can match more than one to each card! This is a wonderful activity to practice carry over by having the kids match physical items to the cards, that don't necessarily look exactly alike. It is pretty much a new spin on a puzzle that works their minds in an entirely different way. I am always on the look out for new flash cards because activities like this are always a huge hit with my kids!! 

Here-- is an activity like this that is already put together for you from amazon! and Here is the farm animal version!  

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