Long flights with young kids are more times than not, a total disaster! I learned this the hard way, SO, I have come up with a few solutions to make our travels more bearable! Here goes nothing!
1) SNACK PACK- ^^ (see picture above) top priority! Kids love to eat. What do we give our kids when we need them to be quiet at the doctors office? GOLDFISH. Every, Single. Time. SO, yes snacks in the car/plane are required! I created this fun little snack pack to make our snacking a little bit more fun! The kids go CRAY CRAY over these!! Fill them with colorful snacks- fruit loops, fruit snacks, goldfish, pretzels, dried fruit, M&Ms, popcorn, pretzels, and yogurt drops are a few of our favorite things to pack these boxes with!
2) Melissa and Doug "Water Wow" painting books.These are amazing! Basically they come with a little paintbrush you fill with water and when they color the white pages they come to life with color and picture! They dry up and you can use them over and over again!! The ones linked above have hidden pictures your kiddos can find using the magnifying glass! My littles love these!
3) Notebooks with ALL of the stickers. My kids will peel, stick, grin, repeat over and over and over again. It's actually quite impressive how long they will do this for. So, yes, over invest in stickers! You can write their names in giant letters on a piece of paper and have them cover the pen lines with stickers!
4) Make a Face Sticker Books- These are so fun and so funny!! They come with blank faces and your kids get to add eyes, brows, lips, noses, etc to create terrifying looking people. It makes me LOL every time! Seriously, its so freaking funny because kids put eyes at the very top of the forehead and it automatically makes for a hilarious and horrifying looking person every time. Im literally cracking up writing this just thinking of our past creations!
5) Snacks. Oh wait, did I already say that?
6) Dry erase boards with dry erase markers and erasers! The one I liked is the perfect travel size. These are always a huge hit! Makes sure to use these Crayola dry erase markers, they don't stain!
7) Beading Kit- (see picture above) I made this using a fishing lure box! We use pipe cleaners instead of string for kids under 5 because they are a little too young to master the small string! We make bracelets for everyone were going to visit! We like these wooden beads, because they are pretty easy to string! Here is the link for the plastic ones!
8) Dry erase tracing books- I like these two for younger kids (3-4)- Wipe Clean Early Learning Book, and Pen Control Tracing and My Activity Book
9) Munchkin Lane Workbooks! We're big fans of these and have had a monthly subscription for about a year now! Check them out, you will love them also!! "YWF" will get you 20% at her shop!
10) YWF Surprise Jars and Themed Jars duh, shameless plug.
11) Origami Kit Evie is obsessed with watching origami you tube videos and trying to make little origamis! I ordered this for our flight and I think she's going to LOVE it!!
12) Travel Lego Set- Obvious reasons.
13) Squiggle Wiggle Pen- These are so fun!!
14) Card Game Set- My littles love playing War, Go Fish and Old Maid! This set on amazon comes with 8 games to keep them busy!!
15) Headphones- make sure to bring good, comfy headphones so your kids can use their tablets or plug in to the airplane tv's!! These are our faves- they are cheap and hold up well!
16) Scissor skill book, Paint by Sticker Book, Hidden Picture Books
Hope this helps! Wish me luck this weekend!!!
xo- Julie