2018 Christmas Gift Guide!

2018 Christmas Gift Guide!

Julie FriedmanDec 1, '18

This year, I’m committed to being super present and in the moment with my family leading up to Christmastime, so I’m getting a head start on buying all my Christmas gifts now! Who’s with me?! How lovely would it be to have everything purchased by the time December rolls around so that we can get cozy with our kiddos on the floor and just play? Peppermint mocha in hand, Christmas jammies on, Alexa playing the Nutcracker, and lots of giggles! I can see it now, and I’m digging it.

I’ve become a big fan of open-ended high-quality toys because they…

  • inspire creativity, problem-solving, and spatial reasoning.
  • hold up to the wear and tear of rambunctious kiddos and all their crazy pretend play.
  • are family heirlooms that can be passed down for generations.
  • are age-appropriate for many years.
  • look beautiful on a shelf, don’t make much noise, and therefore don’t drive me bonkers.
  • help enhance attention span, focus, and imagination.

Most of the toys that have stood the test of time in our home are made of high-quality materials (usually wood!) and can be used in a variety of ways, so for Christmas, I’m planning on investing in more of what is working for us. Below I’ve linked over 100 of my favorite items for different age groups (0-2,3-5, and 6-8). Although I’ve sorted them into categories, just know that due to the open-ended nature of most of these materials, they really can be used for a variety of ages. Feel free to dip into other categories if you see something that would appeal to your child as long as you’re taking note of any safety warnings!

Most of these items are Amazon Prime (YAAAS) and could be on your front door step lickety-split, but some are handmade by sweet small business owners who have longer lead times. And some Etsy shops close early to make time for their families around the holidays, too. So plan accordingly! I’m hoping that sharing my research can save all you awesome busy mamas some energy that you can instead use for making memories with your little ones. Happy shopping!!


Ages 0 to 2

Ages 3 to 5

Ages 6 to 8

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